Catholic Divorce Survival Guide (CDSG) is a grief ministry for divorced or separated men and women. CDSG is a structured program of DVDs where experts and divorced Catholics share their advice and experience on a range of pertinent topics, both spiritual and practical. Topics include: dealing with anger, handling money wisely, family matters, and others.
The participants share with others but the focus is on faith in the Lord as our “divine physician” and entrust everything to Him to heal us.
For those who feel they could benefit from professional help, The ASF Therapist Referral Network offers a list of counselors who have obtained education and training from the Archdiocese about the theologies, traditions, and values of the Catholic faith. The Archdiocese believes that such education and training gives participating counselors and therapists a greater understanding of our faith and its teachings in order to provide them with knowledge they may find helpful in counseling those of the Catholic faith. The Network list is updated annually.
The Catholic Divorce Survival Guide and Hope and Healing for Separated and Divorced Women and provide:
Confidentiality agreements with participants;
Referrals to counseling, family law, and decree of nullity experts in the Archdiocese
Are conducted by trained facilitators;
Programs differ in levels of personal sharing for privacy purposes since individuals grieve in their own ways;
Each ministry emphasizes the journey we take with Jesus, our Divine Physician, who heals our hearts.
For upcoming support group sessions, go to our events calendar or call the Family Life Office at 505-831-8117.